<aside> 📅 Revised policy dated 29/05/2024


Processing manager


SAS with share capital of €50,010

31 Rue du Fossé des Treize


N° RCS Strasbourg 819 528 597

Phone: (+33) 637 868 460

E-Mail : [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]?subject=Privacy%20Policy)


Maitre Apolline SCHMITT : [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]?subject=Privacy%20Policy)

Person concerned

Any user of the Kwit application or website

Purposes for which data is processed, legal basis for processing, data collected, and retention period.

The data of users of the Kwit application or website that may be subject to personal data processing includes all data directly entered by users (direct collection) and the indirectly collected data specified in the table below.

The button "Invite" friends to recommend Kwit opens user-sharing applications without transferring any data to Kwit.


Purpose Legal basis Data collected indirectly Data retention period Comments
Create an account and authenticate on the application by e-mail or via an SSO platform (Apple, Google, Facebook) to use the application securely Kwit's legitimate interest in securing the use of the application • Account creation date
• Dates and times of connection and/or sessions
• Technical information about phone and computer system
• Regional Settings Data is kept for the duration of account use and up to 36 months from the last session (excluding regional settings, which are retained only for the time of the session).
Ensure that the Kwit user is over 15 years of age Legitimate interest • Year of birth Data is stored for a maximum of 36 months from the last session.
Use the Kwit application to enable the user to combat his or her cravings to smoke and participate in the cessation of smoking/nicotine:

Mandatory or optional nature of answers